10 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight and How to Fix Them
10 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight and How to Fix Them
Over half of Americans say they’re trying to lose weight. It can often feel like you’re doing everything right, but you’re not losing weight.
You’ve tried the most recent fad diet and committed to a rigorous exercise regime, but the pounds aren’t shifting.
The answer has to be somewhere. Don’t give up just yet!
Instead, find out why losing weight is hard and what you can do to fix it. Check out below the tips for easy weight loss!
1. Not Getting Enough Protein
If you’re having a hard time losing weight, then you could still be eating the wrong things.
Even if you’ve reduced your overall consumption, you might need to increase your protein intake. You want to lose fat, not muscle.
People who eat a protein-rich diet (between 15 and 25% of overall calories) store nearly 50% of excess calories as muscle rather than fat. If your diet consists of only 5% proteins, then 95% of your excess calories are stored as fat, not muscle.
So make sure you’re eating plenty of eggs, lean meats, and legumes in your diet.
2. Dehydration
Apparently, 80% of working Americans don’t drink enough water on a regular basis. You may be eating great, but are you drinking enough water?
After all, up to 65% of the human body is made up of water. It’s essential to the healthy functioning of your body.
However, it’s also really important when it comes to weight loss. High water consumption can even improve your metabolism by up to 30%.
3. High-Stress Levels
We’re stressed!
It could be about our country’s future. Our personal finances. Or about work.
If you’re trying to lose weight, then high-stress levels are really not helping. There is a correlation between high stress and larger weight lines, according to studies.
You can either get started with mindful meditation, which has been shown to reduce mental stress and anxiety. Or you may need to make some drastic decisions about your work and home life. Either way, your stressful life could be responsible for not losing weight with diet and exercise.
4. You’re Click Happy
We quickly moving toward a cashless society. However, this could have some significant consequences for people trying to lose weight.
Studies have shown that people who use credit cards to pay for groceries online are more likely to make unhealthy purchases. Therefore, if you think you’re guilty of being “click happy” with your credit card, then it’s time to switch back to the green stuff.
5. Missing Out On Sleep
You may have trouble losing weight because you’re not getting enough sleep.
According to research, not enough sleep is one of the biggest risk factors for developing obesity. Therefore, the fact that more than one-third of Americans don’t get enough sleep is worrying.
If you want better sleep, you may need to consider when the best time to do exercise is to optimize your shut-eye. Or how you set a regular bedtime and wake-up time to improve your sleep patterns.
6. Lack of Vegetables and Fruits
Do you only ever buy food which has nutritional information on the label?
You don’t need to only purchase groceries which are labeled “low fat” or “no added sugar.”
Instead, why not purchase whole foods which don’t have any labels at all. Most importantly, you need to be eating fresh fruit and vegetables to lose weight.
By eating fresh fruit and veggies you can also maintain your healthy diet after you’ve achieved your weight loss goal.
7. Overeating
Do you ever think – “It’s healthy! I can eat as much of this as I want.” This is a dangerous game to play.
It’s also possible to overeat low-calorie and so-called “healthy” foods. Simply put, if you’re consuming calories that you’re not burning off, then you’re overeating.
Eating fruit can be essential to feed your cravings if you’re cutting out candy and chocolate. But, you can also eat too much of this good stuff too.
8. Drinking Calories
It’s so easy to concentrate too much on what you’re eating and forget that your drinks count as calories too.
If you often find yourself drinking lattes and smoothies instead of water, then you need to count those calories as well.
Although your regular black coffee doesn’t contain many calories, lattes and other milky coffee drinks do. Even a latte without sugar and low-fat milk contains up to 150 calories. However, if you’re choosing to add syrups and whole milk, you could be going over 400 calories.
When you consume sweet drinks, this also triggers your cravings for more food. So, you’re making it harder for yourself.
9. You’re Hungry
If you want to lose weight, you’re probably going to reduce the number of calories you are consuming. You can always go too far!
If you reduce your calories too much and too quickly, you could starve yourself. This slows down your metabolism so you can’t lose weight as easily.
If you’re eating less than 400 calories, your body could stop functioning normally. Your stress levels will increase and your thyroid hormones breakdown.
10. Run Don’t Walk
Even though any physical activity can contribute to a healthy lifestyle, if you want to lose weight, you need to do more than just walking.
Low-intensity workouts, such as walking with friends in the park, can be great, but you need to go up a gear as well.
You need to do moderate-intensity exercises if you want the pounds to fall off you. These include jogging, swimming, and cycling.
Why You’re Not Losing Weight
When you’re not losing weight with diet and exercise, it can be hard to stay motivated to achieve your weight loss goal. However, there are numerous reasons why you’re having a hard time losing weight.
Now you know what mistakes you need to watch out. It’s time to fix them and get back on track.
Do you want to find out more about how we can help you overcome your setback? Check out our 21 Day Transformation Challenge. Click Here.
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