How Much Weight Can You Lose In 2 Months? How to Set Weight Loss Goals that You Can Smash
How Much Weight Can You Lose In 2 Months? How to Set Weight Loss Goals that You Can Smash
Are you depressed by the statistic that 95% of people regain weight after losing it?
So many diets claim that you can lose weight with a magic pill or an expensive gym membership. What you really need is a heavy dose of realism!
Do you want to know how much weight can you lose in 2 months?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the safe amount of weight to lose in a month is 4 to 8 pounds. So, in over 2 months you can lose up to 16 pounds. But, it’s up to you!
Follow our tips to find out how you can set weight loss goals that you can smash this time. Let’s get started!
1. Concentrate on the Process
Imagine you want to achieve your weight loss goal of 16 pounds in 2 months. But, that’s not the whole story!
It’s important to concentrate on the process rather than the outcome. Your outcome goal is 16 pounds in 2 months. Your process goals are the steps you take to reach your outcome goal.
For example, your process goal may be to do 30 minutes of physical exercise each morning. Or eating a vegan diet during the weekdays.
Instead of thinking about the abstract goal at the end of the tunnel, you need to focus on the habits and behavior which can help you make it to the end.
2. Setbacks are Normal
Weight loss is not easy. You’re going to have setbacks along the way.
Don’t be too hard on yourself when you binge eat after a difficult day at work. Or when you skip your yoga class to watch television.
If you expect setbacks are going to happen, you can prepare for them when you encounter them.
When you know your friend’s birthday party is around the corner, you can plan how you’re going to deal with it. How are you going to say no to the slice of pizza?
3. Adapt Your Goals
You begin with a goal of 16 pounds in 2 months. But, that doesn’t mean you have to stick to it!
If you’re making significant progress after a couple of weeks, you could increase your weight loss target to 20 pounds in 2 months.
You could decide that you were too ambitious with your goal the first time around. Instead, you need to reduce your weight loss goal!
Instead set a different target. This time ask yourself – can I lose 10 pounds in a month?
4. Get a Weight Loss Buddy
Social support is really important when it comes to weight loss. Your network of family and friends is hugely valuable. You also need a weight loss buddy who is going through the same thing as you.
When you’ve hit rock bottom and you’re on the edge of reaching for the refrigerator, you can call your weight loss buddy for help. Your weight loss buddy knows your weight loss goals and your strategies to achieve them. Your buddy keeps you accountable to your promises.
Instead of a weight loss buddy, you can also hire a professional coach to help you keep your weight loss goals.
5. Remind Yourself of Your Goal
Don’t allow yourself to forget your weight loss goal! There are numerous different techniques to remind yourself on a regular basis of what you set out to achieve.
You can visualize your success! Imagine what you’re going to look like when you’ve accomplished your goal.
Spend time repeating phrases which help you to stay motivated in hard times. Such as, “no thanks, I’ve already eaten” and “I can do this!”
6. Track Your Progress
It’s helpful to keep a weight loss journal which tracks your progress each day. Include everything you’re eating, your time spent doing exercise and your current weight and measurements.
It is easy to pretend you’re losing weight when you’re actually not. Telling yourself you’re eating healthy, but not counting the snacks you had in between meals is not helping.
7. Meditation to Focus
You may wonder what meditation has to do with weight loss. After all, surely sitting down and meditating is time wasted when you could be burning calories, right?
And yet, there is scientific evidence that meditation improves your ability to concentrate on your goals in weight loss. There are also numerous other health benefits of meditation practice. These include relieving the symptoms of stress and improving your emotional awareness.
8. Always Meal Prep
When you come home from work, the last thing you want to do is prepare and cook a delicious healthy meal. Instead, spend one day per week meal prepping for the rest of the week.
Then, when you come home from work, instead of getting a take-out, you just warm-up the healthy meal you made earlier. If you really need to order take-out, then choose a healthy option.
9. Buy New Clothes
We reward ourselves with tasty foods a lot of the time.
Did you get a promotion? Go buy some yummy candy from the store!
Graduated from college? Congrats! Let’s go out for an expensive meal.
When you want to lose weight, eating and drinking can longer be your reward for your achievements. When you’ve achieved one of your weight loss milestones, go shopping for clothes instead!
This doesn’t undo your hard work. But also, you get to enjoy your slimmer look in a new get-up.
10. Sleep Well
If you want to achieve your weight loss goal, then you need to make sure you get a good night’s sleep. Sleep is just as important as healthy eating and physical activity for weight loss.
Many people don’t get the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. In fact, over one-third of Americans don’t get enough sleep.
Poor sleep increases your risk of obesity by up to 55%. So, make sure you get plenty of shut-eye.
How Much Weight Can You Lose in 2 Months?
If you want to achieve your weight loss goal, then follow our tips for staying on track. We can help you to determine how much weight can you lose in 2 months. We’ll help you every step of the way.
If you want to know more about how we can help you, check out our 21 Day Transformation Challenge now!
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